As a transmasc person, I spent twenty eight years waiting for the world to realize my needs and desires were different from cisgender consumers. Eventually I got tired of waiting and decided to create it myself.
We are only where we are today because of the remarkable community that stands behind us, sharing their insights on designs, helping spread the word, and entrusting us with their experience. I cannot thank you all enough. We will continue to rely on your allyship and support as we build the brand we all deserve.

Finnegan Shepard

I am both learned and growing. I am both tender and fluid. I am both pretty and handsome. I am both specific and expansive.
Thank you for allowing me to achieve my gender expression goals!
*cries in nonbinary* -
I love everything from this brand. It is thoughtfully and carefully made to help transmascs feel affirmed and empowered through clothing, and I could not be happier :)
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